Skeletal Lab
We will explore the axial and appendicular skeletons of the human body.
The axial skeleton comprises the bones of the skull, vertebral column, and ribcage. The appendicular skeleton consists of the bones of the upper and lower extremities, shoulder girdle, and pelvis. Understanding the anatomy and features of these bones is crucial for medical professionals, physical therapists, and anyone interested in human anatomy.
We will study the structure and function of various bones, including their shape, size, and markings. We will identify various features of the bones, such as articulating surfaces, foramina, processes, and fossae. We will also learn about the bones' role in supporting the body, protecting organs, and facilitating movement.
By the end of this lab, you should be able to identify the bones of the axial and appendicular skeletons and recognize their features. You will also understand the role of each bone in supporting the human body and enabling movement.
Please note that this manual uses images from human cadavers.
· Familiarize yourself with the axial and appendicular skeletons of the human body.
· Identify and label the bones of the skull, vertebral column, ribcage, upper and lower extremities, shoulder girdle, and pelvis.
· Examine the shape, size, and markings of each bone to understand their unique characteristics.
· Identify and describe the articulating surfaces, foramina, processes, and fossae present in the bones.
· Understand the structural and functional role of each bone in supporting the body and protecting vital organs.
· Learn about the bones' contribution to facilitating movement and understand their relationship with muscles and joints.
· Develop the ability to identify bones and recognize their features through visual examination and hands-on experience.
· Demonstrate knowledge of the axial and appendicular skeletons by successfully answering questions or participating in interactive discussions.
· Complete human skeleton (whole or disarticulated)
· Identify each bone and feature presented in the lab.
· Draw each bone with its detailed features.
· Articulate a skeleton properly
Axial Skeleton
· The Skull
o Frontal
§ Supraorbital foramen/notch
§ Glabella
o Parietal
o Temporal
§ Zygomatic process
§ External acoustic meatus/canal
§ Styloid process
§ Mastoid process
o Occipital
§ Foramen magnum
o Sphenoid
§ Sella turcica
o Ethmoid
§ Crista galli
o Mandible
§ Body
§ Ramus
§ Mental foramen
o Maxilla
§ Infraorbital foramen
§ Incisive foramen/fossa
o Palatine
o Zygomatic
o Nasal
o Vomer
o Hyoid
o Sutures
§ Sagittal suture
§ Coronal suture
§ Squamous suture
§ Lambdoid suture
o Sutural bones
· The Vertebral Column
o Body
o Transverse process
o Spinous process
o Vertebral foramen
o Cervical / C1-C7
§ Atlas - C1
§ Axis - C2
o Thoracic / T1-T12
o Lumbar / L1-L5
o Sacrum
§ Sacral foramen
o Coccyx
· Thorax
o Sternum
§ Manubrium
§ Jugular notch
§ Sternal body
§ Xiphoid process
o Ribs
§ Costal cartilage
§ True ribs Ribs 1-7
§ False ribs Ribs 8-12
· Floating ribs Ribs 11-12
Bones are labeled in blue and features are in black.
In the spaces provided below draw and label the bone(s) and feature(s) requested.
Cranial and Facial Bones
Coronal suture, sagittal suture
Figure 84: Superior view of the cranium (anterior is on top)
Occipital, lambdoid suture, sutural bone
Figure 85: Posterior view of the cranium
Parietal, temporal, sagittal suture, zygomatic, external acoustic meatus, mastoid process, styloid process, zygomatic arch, mandibular body, mandibular ramus
Figure 86: Lateral view of the skull
Frontal, nasal, ethmoid, vomer, maxilla, mandible, supraorbital foramen, infraorbital foramen, glabella, mental foramen
Vertebral Bones
Atlas, Axis, spinous process, transverse process, transverse foramen, vertebral foramen, dens body
Figure 88: Superior view of atlas and axis
Cervical Vertebrae, spinous process, transverse process, transverse foramen, vertebral foramen, body
Figure 89: Cervical vertebrae, superior view (top), lateral view (bottom)
Thoracic Vertebrae, spinous process, transverse process, transverse foramen, vertebral foramen, body
Figure 90: Thoracic vertebrae, superior view (top), lateral view (bottom)
Lumbar Vertebrae, spinous process, transverse process, transverse foramen, vertebral foramen, body
Figure 91: Lumbar vertebrae, superior view (top), lateral view (bottom)
Sacrum, sacral foramen, Coccyx, Hyoid (cervical area)
Figure 92: Posterior view of sacrum and coccyx, superior view of hyoid
Thoracic Cage
True Ribs, false ribs, floating ribs, sternum, manubrium, jugular notch, sternal body, xiphoid process, costal cartilage
Figure 93: Anterior view of thoracic cage
Appendicular Skeleton
· The Pectoral Girdle
o Scapula
§ Acromion process
§ Coracoid process
§ Glenoid cavity
§ Spine of the scapula
o Clavicle
· The Arm
o Humerus
§ Head
§ Greater tubercle
§ Lesser tubercle
§ Deltoid tuberosity
§ Trochlea
§ Capitulum
o Radius
§ Head of radius
§ Radial tuberosity
§ Radial styloid process
o Ulna
§ Olecranon process
§ Ulnar styloid process
· The Hand
o Carpals
§ Scaphoid
§ Lunate
§ Triquetrum
§ Pisiform
§ Trapezium
§ Trapezoid
§ Capitate
§ Hamate
o Metacarpals
o Phalanges
§ Proximal
§ Medial
§ Distal
· The Pelvic Girdle
o Hip bone / coxal bone
§ Ilium
§ Iliac crest
§ Anterior superior iliac spine
§ Acetabulum
§ Ischium
§ Ischial tuberosity
§ Pubis
§ Obturator foramen
§ Pubic symphysis
· The Leg
o Femur
§ Femoral head
§ Neck
§ Fovea capitis
§ Greater trochanter
§ Lesser trochanter
§ Lateral condyle
§ Medial condyle
o Patella
o Tibia
§ Intercondylar eminence
§ Tibial tuberosity
§ Medial malleolus
o Fibula
§ Lateral malleolus
· The Foot
o Tarsals
§ Calcaneus
§ Talus
§ Navicular
§ Medial Cuneiform
§ Intermediate Cuneiform
§ Lateral Cuneiform
§ Cuboid
o Metatarsals
o Phalanges
§ Proximal
§ Medial
§ Distal
Upper Limb
Pectoral Girdle
Scapula, acromion process, coracoid process, glenoid cavity, spine of the scapula
Figure 94: Right scapula posterior view (top), anterior view (bottom)
Figure 95: Left pectoral girdle anterior view
Humerus, Head, Neck, Shaft, trochlea, capitulum, grater trochanter, lesser trochanter
Figure 96: Left humerus posterior view (left), anterior view (right)
Ulna, Olecranon, ulnar styloid process, radius, radial styloid process, radial head
Figure 97: Anterior view right radius (left), right ulna (right)
Carpals and Manus
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform, Trapezium, Trapezoid, Capitate, Hamate, Metacarpals, Proximal Phalanges, Medial Phalanges, Distal Phalanges
Figure 98: Anterior view of right hand
Lower Limb
Pelvic Girdle
Coxal, ileum, ischium, pubic, obturator foramen, ischial tuberosity, ASIS, AIIS, PSIS, PIIS, Illiac Crest, ala, acetabulum
Figure 99: Posterior view of right coxal bone (slightly inferiorly rotated)
Femur, Femoral Head, Femoral neck, Fovea, Greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, Condyle, epicondyles, patella
Figure 100: Left femur anterior view (left), posterior view (middle), patella (right)
Tibia, Intercondylar eminence, tibial tuberosity, medial malleolus
Figure 101: Left tibia anterior view (left), posterior view (right)
Fibula, lateral malleolus
Figure 102: Left Fibula anterior view (left), posterior view (right)
Talus, calcaneus, navicular, cuboid, medial cuneiform, intermediate cuneiform, lateral cuneiform, metatarsals, proximal phalange, intermediate phalange, distal phalange
Figure 103: Left foot superior view
Review Questions
1. What are the five major functions of the human skeletal system?
2. How does the structure of a bone support its function in the human body?
3. How does the human skeletal system allow for movement?
4. Compare and contrast the structure and function of long bones and flat bones in the human body.
5. How does the human skeletal system adapt to changes in physical activity over time?
6. What are the risks and benefits of weight-bearing exercise on bone health?
7. What is the composition of bone tissue?
8. How does bone remodeling maintain bone homeostasis in the human body?
9. How can a lack of calcium in the diet affect bone health?
10. How does aging affect the human skeletal system?