Endocrine Lab

We will explore the fascinating world of the endocrine system, which plays a crucial role in regulating various processes in our bodies through the secretion of hormones. Throughout this laboratory session, we will engage in a series of activities to deepen our understanding of the endocrine system and its functions.

To begin, we will start by drawing the hormone axis for all of the pituitary hormones. The pituitary gland, often referred to as the "master gland," controls the release of hormones that affect numerous bodily functions. By drawing the hormone axis, we can visualize the relationships between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and the target organs influenced by these hormones.

After understanding the pituitary hormone axis, we will move on to comparing the major hormones of the body based on their location, function, and mode of regulation. The endocrine system consists of several glands distributed throughout the body, each producing specific hormones that have distinct roles in maintaining homeostasis. By examining the characteristics of these hormones, we can gain insight into their diverse functions and how they are regulated.

Next, we will delve into a more hands-on activity. You will have the opportunity to observe endocrine slides through a microscope. These slides will provide a closer look at the different endocrine glands and their cellular structures. By examining the slides and identifying various cell types, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the complexity of the endocrine system.

During the microscope observation, take detailed notes and draw what you see. These visual representations will aid in your understanding of the histological features and structures of the endocrine glands. It will also allow you to make connections between the observed cellular arrangements and the functions of the glands.

The endocrine system plays a vital role in maintaining the balance and coordination of various bodily processes. By investigating the hormone axis, comparing major hormones, and observing endocrine slides, we will gain a comprehensive understanding of the endocrine system's functions.


·         To demonstrate the concept of hormone feedback loops and understand how hormones are regulated through negative or positive feedback mechanisms in the anterior and posterior pituitary.

·         Identify major endocrine glands on models and figures of the human body.

·         Describe the structures and functions of major endocrine organs

·         Identify the major hormones secreted by endocrine organs, the functions of these hormones on their target tissues, and the stimuli or trophic hormones which stimulate their secretions.


·         Microscope

·         Endocrine gland microscope slides

Hormonal Glands and Axes

1.       Draw diagrams in the spaces provided below to represent the hormonal glands, hormones, and axes involving the anterior and posterior pituitary.

a.   Position the glands and target organs correctly on the diagram and connect them with arrows to represent the flow of hormones.

2.       Label the major glands and hormones involved in each axis (e.g., hypothalamus, pituitary gland, target organ).

3.       Draw feedback arrows to represent positive or negative feedback.

a.   Research the interactions between the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and target organ associated with their assigned hormone axis. Consider how hormone levels are regulated and the effects of feedback mechanisms.

4.       Provide additional details to analyze how hormone feedback mechanisms would respond. For the following examples

a.   What would happen if the levels of the hormone were too high or too low?

b.   What might cause a disruption in the feedback loop?

Luteinizing Hormone & Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (example diagram)

Figure 201: Gonadotropic hormone axis

Too high? __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Too low?__________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Growth Hormone







Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone























Antidiuretic Hormone








Hormone Function

Fill out all the Hormones and Functions in the table below.  Provide the name of the hormone from the indicated gland, the function of the hormone at its target tissue, and what regulation mechanism does it use (neuronal, humoral, or hormonal) with the regulation trigger.

Table 17: Hormone function table

Endocrine Glands and Tissues

Take a micrograph of each tissue below then draw and label each tissue and its parts.

Pituitary Gland (Anterior and Posterior)

Explain the difference anatomically and physiologically between the pituitary lobes.

Take a micrograph with your device then draw the tissue, then label the various components.


Explain the function of the thyroid follicles.

Take a micrograph with your device then draw the tissue, then label the various components.  


Explain the function of pancreatic islets.

Take a micrograph with your device then draw the tissue, then label the various components.

Adrenal Cortex

Explain the functions of the adrenal cortex.  Compare each of the three layers and their hormones.

Take a micrograph with your device then draw the tissue, then label the various components.


Explain the function of the follicles in the ovaries.

Take a micrograph with your device then draw the tissue, then label the various components.


Explain the function of the seminiferous tubules.

Take a micrograph with your device then draw the tissue, then label the various components.



Review Questions

1.       Which gland in the human endocrine system regulates metabolism and energy levels?

2.       How does the hypothalamus regulate the secretion of hormones by the pituitary gland?

3.       What are some of the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, and how is it treated?

4.       Compare and contrast the structure and function of the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla.

5.       How do hormone levels change during the menstrual cycle, and what are the implications of these changes?

6.       Design an experiment to investigate the role of insulin in glucose regulation.

7.       What is the primary function of the pancreas in the endocrine system?

8.       How do the hormones produced by the thymus gland differ from those produced by other glands in the endocrine system?

9.       How can disruptions in hormone production and secretion contribute to the development of diseases such as diabetes and thyroid disorders?

10.    What are some of the ethical considerations surrounding the use of hormone therapies and supplements for hormone-related conditions?