Laboratory Manuals

Manuals are released as editable documents, PDFs, and in online formats. 

Semester: One 

Created: 2024

This  manual was made with a CUREs college course that covers all basic knowledge and techniques of microbiology at a 200 level understanding.  The labs require a fully equipped microbiology lab and general anatomy lab resources. 

Semester: Two Sequential 

Created: 2023

This  manual was designed for a two semester college course that covers all eleven systems of the human body at a 200 level understanding.  The labs require fetal pig dissections (as analogs) and general anatomy lab resources. 

Semester: One

Created: 2022

This manual was created for an entry level college chemistry course to introduce ideas and general protocols for working with glassware and understanding basic reactions and laws.  The labs require a chemistry lab with resources.