Reproductive Lab

We will explore the fascinating reproductive anatomy of the fetal pig and compare it to that of humans. This dissection will provide you with a unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience and a deeper understanding of the similarities and differences between these two species.

The reproductive system is an essential component of any organism's life cycle, as it plays a vital role in the continuation of species. By examining the reproductive organs of a fetal pig, we can observe the structures and functions that are shared with humans, as well as the distinguishing features specific to each species.

Throughout this lab, we will emphasize the importance of proper dissection techniques, anatomical terminology, and respectful handling of the specimens. Please remember to follow all safety protocols and wear appropriate protective gear, such as gloves and goggles, to ensure a safe and hygienic environment. Dissection tools, including scalpels, scissors, and forceps, have been provided for your use.

By the end of this dissection lab, you should have a comprehensive understanding of the fetal pig's reproductive system and its comparison to humans. This knowledge will help you appreciate the intricacies of reproduction in different species and develop a broader understanding of the animal kingdom's diversity.


·         Identify and examine the reproductive organs of the fetal pig, including the testes, ovaries, uterus, and associated structures.

·         Compare the similarities and differences between the reproductive system of the fetal pig and that of humans.

·         Gain a comprehensive understanding of the reproductive processes, such as gamete production, fertilization, and gestation, and how they relate to the anatomy we will be studying.

·         Appreciate the significance of studying comparative anatomy to enhance our knowledge of evolution and adaptability.


·         Fetal Pigs

·         Dissecting Trays

·         Dissecting Tools

·         PPE (disposable gloves, safety goggles)

Female Reproductive Dissection

1.       Place the fetal pig in a dissecting tray and ensure all necessary materials and tools are ready for the dissection.

2.       Put on disposable gloves and safety goggles to maintain hygiene and protect your hands and eyes.

3.       Begin by making a midline incision along the ventral side of the fetal pig, starting from the urogenital opening and extending towards the diaphragm. Be careful not to cut too deep to avoid damaging the underlying structures.

4.       Once the abdominal cavity is exposed, carefully separate the layers of connective tissue and fat to reveal the organs.

5.       Locate the ovaries, which are two small oval-shaped structures located near the kidneys. They may be attached to the dorsal body wall by thin ligaments. Note their size and position within the abdominal cavity.

6.       Trace the oviducts, also known as the fallopian tubes, from the ovaries towards the middle of the abdominal cavity. Gently separate any connective tissue or fat to fully expose the oviducts.

7.       Follow the oviducts towards the uterus. The oviducts should converge towards the uterus at its posterior end.

8.       Identify the uterus, a pear-shaped organ located in the mid-abdominal region. Carefully dissect any surrounding tissues to fully expose the uterus.

9.       Trace the uterus to the vaginal canal. The vaginal canal is a tube-like structure that connects the uterus to the urogenital opening.

10.    Once the entire reproductive system is exposed and free from surrounding tissues, carefully remove it from the body intact. Take care not to damage any structures during this process.

11.    Observe and examine the removed reproductive system, noting the relative positions and sizes of the different organs.

12.    Clean the dissecting tray and tools with disinfectant wipes or sprays to maintain cleanliness and prevent contamination.

13.    Dispose of the fetal pig remains and any other biological waste according to the proper disposal procedures.

Draw the reproductive system of the female fetal pig and label the parts.  Draw a human female reproductive system and compare.

Review Questions

1.       What is the function of the testes in the male reproductive system?

2.       How does the menstrual cycle occur in females?

3.       How does the use of hormonal contraceptives, such as the pill or the patch, prevent pregnancy?

4.       What is the difference between the male and female gametes, and how does this impact fertilization?

5.       What are the ethical considerations surrounding assisted reproductive technologies, such as in vitro fertilization?

6.       Design a hypothetical experiment to investigate the effects of different types of lubricants on sperm motility.

7.       What is the role of the prostate gland in male reproduction?

8.       How does the process of meiosis contribute to genetic diversity in human reproduction?

9.       How might lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise, impact fertility in males and females?

10.    Compare and contrast the different methods of birth control, including hormonal methods, barrier methods, and surgical methods.