Real Blood Lab
Understanding the types of blood cells and their identification through a microscope is essential for comprehending the intricacies of the human circulatory system and its vital functions. Additionally, blood typing is a fundamental technique used to assess compatibility for blood transfusions and determine genetic relationships. Understanding the types of blood cells and their identification through microscopic examination is a fundamental aspect of human anatomy and physiology. Blood typing techniques have far-reaching applications in medicine, from blood transfusions to genetic relationships. By mastering these concepts and techniques, you will gain valuable insights into the complexities of the human circulatory system and its broader implications for human health and well-being.
The human blood is composed of various types of cells suspended in a fluid called plasma. These cells can be broadly categorized into three main types: red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leukocytes), and platelets (thrombocytes). Each type of blood cell possesses unique characteristics and plays a crucial role in maintaining our overall health.
Blood typing involves determining an individual's blood group by detecting specific proteins called antigens and antibodies present on the surface of red blood cells. Blood typing can provide valuable information about potential compatibility problems. The two most common blood typing systems are the ABO system and the Rh system. The ABO system categorizes blood into four main types: A, B, AB, and O, based on the presence or absence of A and B antigens. The Rh system classifies blood as Rh positive (+) or Rh negative (-), depending on the presence or absence of the Rh (D) antigen.
Knowing your blood type is crucial for medical treatments, especially in emergencies and surgeries, ensuring compatible blood transfusions and safe medical care. It also helps in organ transplants, pregnancy management, and personalized nutrition choices for some individuals. Understanding your blood type contributes to better healthcare outcomes and peace of mind.
· To understand the different types of blood cells, their unique characteristics, and their roles in the human circulatory system.
· To learn how to identify and differentiate red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets under a microscope based on their shape, size, and staining properties.
· To explore the different types of white blood cells (neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils) and understand their functions in the immune response.
· To become familiar with the principles and techniques of blood typing, ABO and Rh systems.
· To learn how to perform blood typing experiments using specific antibodies and antigens to determine an individual's blood group.
· To understand the significance of blood typing in assessing compatibility for blood transfusions and determining genetic relationships.
· To stain your blood cells with Wright stain and observe them under a microscope.
· To learn to identify and distinguish between red blood cells and white blood cells.
· To determine your blood type using the ABO and Rh blood typing systems.
· Microscope
· Glass Microscope Slide with Cover Slips
· Wright Stain
· Lancet
· Blood Typing Kits
· Cotton Balls
· Alcohol Swabs
Bloodborne Pathogens Warning
Important Note for Lab Participants:
· Please handle only your own blood sample during this lab activity. Do not handle or come into contact with anyone else's blood.
· A single lancet will be used to collect blood for both the blood smear and blood typing tests. The first drop of blood collected will be used for the blood smear preparation on the microscope slide. Subsequent drops will be used for blood typing in the designated wells of the blood typing tray.
· A certified medical laboratory technician will use the lancets and do all blood collection.
Bloodborne Pathogens:
Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms that can be present in blood and can cause diseases if transmitted to others. To minimize the risk of exposure:
· Always wear gloves and safety goggles when handling blood or blood-contaminated materials.
· Use alcohol swabs for skin disinfection before blood collection.
· Avoid touching your face, eyes, or mouth with blood-contaminated hands.
· Dispose of used lancets, gloves, and other waste in the designated bins immediately after use.
· Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after completing the lab activities.
· By following these guidelines, we ensure a safe and effective learning experience. If you have any questions or concerns, please consult your instructor.
Blood Identification Activity
1. Prepare Your Workspace
a. Put on gloves and safety goggles before starting.
b. Check that your microscope station is set up with slides, cover slips, and a microscope.
2. Collecting Blood
a. With a lancet have the certified medical lab tech prick your fingertip gently.
b. Collect a small drop of blood and place it near one end of a labeled microscope slide.
3. Creating a Blood Smear
a. With another slide at a 30-45 degree angle, spread the blood drop to create a thin smear.
b. Let the smear air dry completely.
4. Staining Your Blood Smear
a. Put the dried smear on a staining rack.
b. Cover the smear with Wright stain solution for 1-2 minutes.
c. Rinse the slide gently with distilled water to remove excess stain.
d. Let the slide air dry.
5. Examining Your Blood Cells
a. Place the stained slide under the microscope.
b. Start with the lowest magnification (4x) to find well-spread cells.
c. Switch to higher magnification (10x or 40x) for a closer look.
d. Identify and observe the shape and color of red blood cells and the different types of white blood cells.
6. Recording Your Observations
a. Take a micrograph then draw and label what you see, noting any special features of the cells.
b. Write down your observations about cell shapes, staining patterns, and the number of different cell types.
7. Cleaning Up
a. Dispose of used slides and cover slips in the biohazard waste bin (lidded red bins).
b. Clean the microscope lenses and stage.
c. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling blood samples.
Describe the structure and function of a neutrophil.
Take a micrograph with your device then draw a neutrophil, detailing cell shape and nucleus.
Describe the structure and function of a lymphocyte.
Take a micrograph with your device then draw a lymphocyte, detailing cell shape and nucleus.
Describe the structure and function of a monocyte.
Take a micrograph with your device then draw a monocyte, detailing cell shape and nucleus.
Describe the structure and function of an eosinophil.
Take a micrograph with your device then draw an eosinophil, detailing cell shape and nucleus.
Describe the structure and function of a basophil.
Take a micrograph with your device then draw a basophil, detailing cell shape and nucleus.
Describe the structure and function of an erythrocyte.
Take a micrograph with your device then draw an erythrocyte, detailing cell shape and nucleus.
Describe the structure and function of a platelet.
Take a micrograph with your device then draw a platelet, detailing cell shape and nucleus.
Blood Typing Activity
1. Blood Typing
a. Put on gloves and safety goggles before starting.
b. Use the lancet provided to prick your fingertip gently.
c. Carefully place a drop of the collected blood in each corresponding well on the blood typing tray.
d. Place a drop of anti-serum into each corresponding well; anti-A antibodies into the A well, anti-B antibodies into the B well, and anti-D antibodies into the D (Rh) well.
e. Gently mix the blood in each well using a clean toothpick. Be careful not to cross-contaminate the wells.
f. Allow the blood typing plates to incubate undisturbed for the 1 minute.
2. Interpretation of Blood Types
a. Observe the agglutination reactions in each well after the specified incubation period.
b. Record the presence or absence of agglutination for each antigen (A, B, and D).
i. If the blood clotted in a well then, the blood contains that antigen.
c. Determine your blood type based on the observed agglutination patterns.
3. Cleaning Up
a. Dispose of used lancets, applicator sticks, trays, and any waste in the biohazard bins (lidded red bins).
b. Remove gloves and dispose of them properly.
c. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling blood samples.
Fill in the typing results for your blood
Review Questions
1. What is the composition of human blood?
2. What is the role of red blood cells in the body?
3. How does the body regulate the number of red blood cells in the blood?
4. Discuss the genetic basis of blood types and how inheritance patterns influence ABO blood groups and Rh phenotypes within populations.
5. Why is it important for blood donors to know their blood type?
6. Evaluate the safety measures and precautions necessary when handling blood samples in a laboratory environment, particularly concerning bloodborne pathogens.
7. Analyze the process of creating a blood smear and the significance of proper smear preparation in microscopy for accurate blood cell identification.
8. Critically assess the potential risks and benefits associated with blood transfusions, considering factors such as compatibility, antigen-antibody reactions, and the importance of donor screening.
9. Reflect on the broader implications of blood-related laboratory techniques and transfusion medicine in improving patient care, disease diagnosis, and medical research.
10. What are some of the causes and symptoms of anemia?